Hey Mamas! Easter is 5 days away, and in case you’re looking for some last minute ideas, I want to share what I’m doing for Easter baskets for our kiddos this year.
We don’t have designated baskets yet, so I’m using these really cute 3 Sprouts Storage Caddys that I found on sale. I love that we can repurpose them after Easter and that they are a gift in of themselves as well. These adorable canvas caddies are lined for easy clean up and are sturdy enough to keep their shape without contents. They also fold down flat which is a plus when not in use. There are 8 animals to choose from: currently the Beaver, Pig, Owl, and Walrus are on sale, but the Mouse, Bee, Iguana, and Snail are all quite cute. They measure 15″ wide and 8.5″ tall (not including the handle), so are pretty generous in size. If you have Amazon prime, a few of these are eligible for free one day shipping as well. Yay!!!
There were three things I wanted to include in the baskets this year: something educational, something they can play with, and a healthy treat that I won’t feel too bad about them eating.
EDUCATIONAL: I’ll always be drawn to books, so I did some research to find some board books that have a bit of Easter story and spiritual value to them. I decided on these 3 for this year:
God Bless Our Easter by Hannah C. Hall and illustrated by Steve Whitlow. This book is also on sale right now. The illustrations are lovely and the rhyme is easy to read and learn. We LOVE the books in this collection, and also have God Bless Our Christmas, God Bless You & Good Night, and God Bless My Boo Boo. These are some of our kids favorites and are in nighttime book rotation several times a week, if not every night. There are a few more books we don’t have…YET. I have my eyes on them for the next occasion for gifts. I highly recommend these!
My Day with Jesus by Alice Joyce Davidson and illustrated by David Austin Clar.
I forgot to include it in the basket pictures as we gave this one early to our kids on Palm Sunday. It’s been a hit since then. This is a small (prefect for toddler hands) but lovely book from the point of view of the donkey who was chosen for Jesus to ride on into Jerusalem. The illustrations are vibrant and colorful and adorable, and the message is cute and virtuous.
The Parable of the Lily by Liz Curtis Higgs and illustrated by Nancy Munger.
*This last book is a gift from Grandma and Grandpa this year. It’s hardcover so it’s more suitable for older toddlers and young readers (age 3-7) however I’m sure Audrey will love pointing at all the pictures in this book as it is filled with beautiful flowers and animals, foods etc. It is a wonderful story reflecting upon Easter and one we will definitely treasure. Thanks, Grandma!
PLAY: For a toy, I chose plush animals this year as my kids are at an age where they really love them, especially Audrey. Both the Gund Stuffed Animal Fuzzy Lamb and the Gund Stuffed Animal 14″ White Realistic Rabbit are currently on sale at Target for $8.80, and I couldn’t choose which ones to send back, so yup, they are getting both this year. I’m hoping down the line I may be able to use the bunnies as decorative pieces. I personally adore the Jellycat Bashful Beige Bunny and Jellycat Blossom Lily Bunny but I can’t justify the price tag…even so, aren’t they sooooo adorable? Ok, so my kids may get their love for stuffies honestly.
TREAT: For a treat I felt comfortable choosing Annie’s Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks. My kids love their gummy vitamins and whenever they get any fruit snacks, it’s a real treat for them. I might add in some clementines and a small container of berries as well as they love their fruit and I rather them chow down on those before opening these.
Last, I picked up some mini plastic eggs for an Easter Egg hung for the kiddos. I think they would have a blast finding and collecting them even with nothing inside of them! I may, however, find some stickers or some kind of prize. Any suggestions?

Ready for Easter Morning!
What is going in your kids’ baskets this year? What are your favorite Easter traditions? I’d love to hear your thoughts as we are just starting our own family Easter traditions.
Happy Easter basking making!
PS. I seriously don’t know how I would do the bulk of my shopping without Amazon Prime…right? How did Moms do it before online shopping and super fast shipping? To all you Grandmas, you are super-heroes! 🙂
1 Comment
[…] Holy Saturday, and of course making Easter Sunday extra special! I’ve already prepped their Easter baskets with toddler-friendly items, and I’m excited for them to experience their first Easter Egg […]
May 13, 2017 at 11:00 pm