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Railroad Days

    Adventuring, Travel

    Railroad Days in Fullerton- Family Funday!

    Quality Family Time

    We love weekends. For the majority of our first 5 years of our marriage, and with the exception of one year, Brendon and I both had the luxury of working from home. Last year when Brendon took a salaried job, this meant a huge change for all. The kids and I keenly felt his absence. Since then, weekends have taken on a whole new meaning and value for us. Not a Saturday goes by now that Dominic does not ask his Appa with surprise and delight “You not go to work today, Appa?!” We take full advantage of these short days to grow and rest, reconnect and relish our time together as a family, and when we are all up to it, adventures await!

    All Aboard!

    Since the stop at the Colorado Railroad Museum on our road trip from Prince Edward Island to California last year, Dominic’s interest in trains and anything vehicle related has really grown. Really since his 2nd birthday which was construction themed, he has taken to rigs and trucks, a word which he is finally saying correctly (hooray! Goodbye blushing when he’d yell out “Fruck!”). So back a few months ago, my sister-in-law shared this annual free event with me and as it was a lovely spring day, with only a small chance of thunder and lightning, we packed up our crew and headed out towards Fullerton.


    Shrimp, Rain and Fun

    After a quick bite at a neat little spot called the Crawfish Cave, we made our way towards the trains but not without getting showered by a downpour which left us chattering in the cold. In true Southern California fashion, within half an hour, the sun was out, we were dry and even feeling hot! I was pleasantly surprised how much our children, even little Audrey, enjoyed exploring the trains’ interiors. It was a fun afternoon out as you can see. Enjoy the photos!

    This totally made Dominic’s Day!

    Such a cool spot!