We have much to share with you all regarding a few new developments in our life here, and I apologize for my continual procrastination! I will bring you up to date on that soon, I promise! In the meantime, I hope this post brimming with pictures will serve as sufficient appeasement!
Spring is back on the Island! I can’t believe it’s already been a year and PEI is once again draped in green, with blue skies, the song of birds, flowers budding, sailboats and fishing boats deep out on the water, sweet juicy lobster, and overall warmer weather. Our little Island is buzzing with local dairy bars, yard sales, music and horse races…and everyone is a tad bit giddy in their hearts once again. This weekend is a long one, thanks to Victoria Day, and despite a few ferocious allergy attacks, the hubby and I have had a wonderful weekend thus far. Here a few snapshots we want to share with you!
We took an evening stroll along the Confederation Trail after supper last night, and found these beauties a-blossoming! Last year we scheduled our engagement photo-shoot for just around this time so we could take advantage of the brief but beautiful reign of these white and pink-frocked blossoms.
Fun fact: Did you know Maple trees also have flowers? I’ve never stopped to look at them until yesterday evening! Yummm…maple syrup…
Do you see what we spied? We spotted a cute little fella in the field. Pointy ears and a long bushy tail…it’s a fox! They are pretty common around here, but this is the first time I got to see one this close while not in a car.
There he was again, posing for us as we walked by. Perhaps he was hoping we’d throw him some food? Silly Mr. Fox, iPhones aren’t food! We took advantage of the opportunity anyway and gave him a mini-photoshoot instead.
Well, that was the best I could get of his face with my phone, but here’s a nice closeup on this stamp.
We had an exciting and late Friday night out this weekend. We joined Mama and Papa Brown to attend the 25th priestly ordination anniversary Mass and reception of Fr. Danny Wilson, a dear family friend. It was a beautiful Mass concelebrated by 10 other priests, in an old fashioned but beautiful village church with nearly all the pews filled up. The testimony of a faithful and holy priest is beyond words and the presence of people from all over Maritimes attested to it. Thank God for our priests who serve to bring Jesus Christ to us everyday of their lives! Afterwards, to finish the night, we headed out to a really neat pub in Thyne Valley called the Landing, to meet up with some friends and family for good company, a pint of cold beer, food, and live music!

This was from an earlier trip there during the PEI Burger Love campaign…but needless to say, the food there is yum-yum-scrumptious!
Saturday morning felt like it came unusually early the next day. The hubby and I poured ourselves a cup of coffee, grabbed a granola bar, and headed out bright and early-ish (around 9) to a huge yard sale at a church. We found some treasures there last year and thought we’d go back and hope for some of the same luck. We were happy to lug back a few new keepers for quite a bargin!
We had found this brass/copper colored metal vase at an antique store over the winter and for a while I’ve been racking my head over ideas for a creative key-holder that would match it. I would have never imagined we’d find mini bowls from the same set at that yard sale! It has the hand-etched markings on the bottom and the same design along the sides! Score! We also picked up this neat old book. I find there’s something romantic about old books…from colorful bindings and covers down to charcoal print on the golden aged pages. As you can see in the pictures below, amongst some other treasures, we carried a few more books home to add to a collection for our future library!
Will post again soon! Much love and prayers! I miss you all.