Browsing Tag:

Baby #2

    blog updates, Corkboard

    Why, hello again!

    I’m clearing out the cobwebs and dusting off this blog over a year later in hopes of continuing to share the adventures and blessings of our growing family, but with Baby #2 due in less than 3 weeks, I’m probably being a bit too optimistic.

    I’ve learned over the past year that if I’m waiting to write that perfect blog post, it’ll never happen. Life is messy…even more so as a parent, and sometimes it’s the imperfections that connect us in our human state, in the reality of life as a parent that often has us in tears to belly laughs to disciplinarians all within minutes. So here I go.

    I hope you find something to take away that enriches your lives in each post: whether that be inspiration, consolation, an empathic ear, a chuckle, or a smidgen of wisdom through the stories shared here.
